pioneer | creator of opportunities | positivist | artist | advocator of lists | thinker | ambassador of humor | solution-seeker | craftslover | hands-on experimentor | materiallover | ideator…

I think we are many things at once or sometimes one more than the other. The list could be continued and changed, but what describes me overall is that I value my eyes because they allow me to view the whole, to look closely, to observe or to close them to dream and let my imagination see. I need my hands. They help me create. My hands grip, grasp, start an action, feel, give and take, without my hands I cannot create, I long to sense. My heart holds everything together and directs my path. Without it, I would be dead – as a human being, as a craftsman, as a designer. What my outside sees and feels moves my inside, passion grows, impressions are transformed and make my heart beat.



2012 Abitur, Fanny-Leicht-Gymnasium, Stuttgart-Vaihingen Germany

2012-2013 student and intern, International Torchbearer Center Holsbybrunn- Sweden

2013-2014 various internships architecture and joinery, Stuttgart- Germany

2014-2017 apprenticeship in joinery ZFMK, Bonn- Germany

2017-2020 Design in Craft,  Akademie für Handwerksdesign, Gut Rosenberg, Aachen- Germany

2019 Master in joinery, Chamber of Crafts, Aachen

2020- Master in Spatial/ Furniture Design, KMD UiB, Bergen- Norway

social engagement and awards

2005- 2017 children and youthwork for the Protestant Church/CVJM 

summer 2016 international internship with „Junges Handwerk in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit“ in Bhaktapur, Nepal

summer 2017 1st prize at „Gute Form“ Bonn-Rhein-Sieg  

fall 2017 apprentice of the year of the Leibniz Association

since 2017 spokeswomen for the student body of Gut Rosenberg

2018 & 2019 recipient of the Gut Rosenberg scholarship for technical competence and social engagement

2020 3rd prize at „Rosenberger Design Preis“ best exam of the graduating class from Gut Rosenberg


2018 diversity     collective exibition, Gut Rosenberg, Aachen

2019 designforum     collective exibition, Aula Carolina, Aachen

2020 (t)here     booth of Gut Rosenberg, imm Köln

2020 hide&seek     Rosenberger Design Preis, Aachener Bank, Aachen

2021 hide&seek     nominated for „Talente“ internationale Handwerksmesse München

2021 lage    Designers Saturday, Oslo